Online Classes of MDCAT Best Institute for MDCAT Preparation

Online Classes of MDCAT: Best Institute for MDCAT Preparation

Are you a pre-medical student aspiring to ace your MDCAT tests? KIPS Virtual is excited to announce the launch of MDCAT Test Prep Sessions, specifically tailored for pre-medical students, commencing on June 24th, 2024. Our sessions are designed to offer a premium academic experience through, helping you achieve your medical career goals with confidence.

Key Highlights of the Program

Premium and Standard Academic Models

KIPS Virtual offers two distinct academic models for the MDCAT preparation sessions:

Session Name Academic Model Course Duration
MDCAT with NUMS Premium 2.5 Months
Standard 2.5 Months

Learning Management System (LMS) Features

Our LMS is packed with features to enhance your learning experience. Here’s a detailed comparison of the features available in our Standard and Premium models:

Features Standard Premium
Recorded Video Lectures Yes Yes
Live Lectures No Yes
Live Doubts No Yes
Readings Yes Yes
Quizzes Yes Yes
Discussion Lectures Yes Yes
Counseling Support No Yes
Teacher Support Yes Yes
Stats Yes Yes
Leaderboard Yes Yes
Search Yes Yes
Notifications Yes Yes
Notes Yes Yes
Bookmarks Yes Yes
Miscellaneous Videos Yes Yes

Session-Wise Academic Details

MDCAT with NUMS – MCQs Practiced: 8000+

Our MDCAT preparation with NUMS session is meticulously designed to cover the entire PMDC syllabus through a structured two-phase approach:

  • Virtual Preparation: Comprehensive unit-wise preparation of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, and Logical Reasoning through live lectures.
  • Practice Tests: 56 unit-wise tests.
  • Full-Length Papers (FLPs): 4 quarter FLPs and 5 FLPs based on the PMDC syllabus and test format.
  • Leftover Topics: Coverage of leftover topics as per NUMS in a 10-day SOS by each subject.
  • Additional Tests: 5 tests covering leftover topics and 5 tests of Psychology.
  • Final FLPs: 5 FLPs based on the NUMS syllabus and test format.

Why Choose KIPS Virtual Over Other Institutes?

  1. Proven Track Record:
    KIPS has a history of producing top results in board exams and medical entrance tests. Our experienced faculty and comprehensive resources ensure you receive the best preparation for MDCAT.
  2. Premium Academic Models:
    Our premium academic models provide extensive features, including live lectures, live doubt sessions, and counseling support, setting us apart as the best institute for MDCAT preparation.
  3. Comprehensive Resources:
    With access to exclusive KIPS study materials, quizzes, discussion lectures, and miscellaneous videos, our resources are designed to cover every aspect of your MDCAT preparation.
  4. Expert Faculty:
    Our highly qualified and experienced teachers are dedicated to helping you succeed. Their expertise and personalized support make learning effective and enjoyable.
  5. Flexible Learning:
    Our LMS allows you to access recorded lectures, reading materials, and quizzes anytime, anywhere, making it convenient for you to learn at your own pace.
  6. Supportive Environment:
    Our platform provides continuous support through teacher support chats, counseling services, and a dedicated student care department, ensuring all your academic and career-related queries are addressed promptly.
  7. Regular Assessment and Feedback:
    With regular quizzes, practice tests, and full-length papers, we provide ongoing assessment and feedback to track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Overcoming the Fear Factor

Building Confidence:
By incorporating daily tests and regular mock exams, we help demystify the exam process, reducing uncertainty and building confidence.

Supportive Environment:
Our supportive and encouraging environment helps students manage their stress. Teachers are always available for one-on-one sessions to address individual concerns, and our counseling department provides additional emotional support.

Effective Study Techniques:
We teach students effective study techniques and time management skills that help them prepare efficiently without feeling overwhelmed. Structured timetables and regular revisions ensure that students are well-prepared without last-minute cramming.

Positive Reinforcement:
Regular feedback and positive reinforcement help students recognize their strengths and progress. Celebrating small achievements along the way keeps students motivated and reduces fear.

Enrollment Information

Classes Commencing: June 24th, 2024 (Monday)

Enroll now and take the first step towards securing your future in the medical field. With KIPS Virtual, you’re not just preparing for an exam; you’re paving the way for a successful medical career.


KIPS Virtual MDCAT Sessions for pre-medical students offer a comprehensive and premium academic experience. With a structured approach, expert faculty, and extensive resources, we ensure that our students are well-prepared to excel in their MDCAT exams. Don’t miss this opportunity to join the best institute for MDCAT preparation and achieve your dreams of becoming a medical professional. Enroll today and start your journey towards success!